Thursday, September 6, 2018

My Fall Backlog drawing (work in progress)

Someone on the PSNProfiles forums drew an amazing image of the characters from all the games she finished in a summer camp setting, so I had to do something similar for the five games I was working on for my Fall Backlog challenge. I'm more of a freeform artist, though, so the beginning is a bit iffy.

General: Everyone attending a Halloween costume party!

Left: The hero of Dragon Quest Builders hammering up a Dracky ornament while Pippa is breaking her heart because she wants him to dance with her.

Bottom(unfinished): Ogden from Dragon Fantasy dressed up like Protoman while Rock Man is at his side.

Bottom-right (not drawn): Oliver and Esther from Ni no Kuni, dressed as Link and Zelda respectively, dancing the funky chicken.

Right: Drippy, dressed as Tingle, yelling at Mesmoroth to stop hogging the punch!

Back(not drawn yet): Chase McCain in his robber disguise sneaking snacks from the snack table. :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Please help me...

Have no idea what I was thinking picking up this trainwreck of a game. Fill-a-Pix puzzles are not meant for speed runs. :(